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How can I update the system to be Up To Date


Please to the “Report Definition” screen, Press on (Ctrl+Alt+x), and the choose the command (Update system reports).

While saving a letter of guarantee closing document, an error occurs that there is no consistence in the letter of guarantee type?


Please, go to the the term of “Letter of Guarantee closing” document you have used , and make sure that the guarantee type selected in document is consistent with the guarantee type selected in the guarantee type selected in the document term, or the document term, you have used, has no guarantee type selected.

How can I make authority to a specific record to a defined user?

Via the button “More” in the upper right corner, choose the option “Change capabilities”, define the desired capability (View, Usage, Update), and give this capability to the  file “Security Profile – Custom Authorities” of the targeted users.

While displaying a generated system entry, some accounts are repeated?!

In the (Document Term – Invoice Effect) of the document that generated this entry, select the check box “Shorten Ledger”.


An error occurs while saving stock taking document?

Make sure that all units in the document are specific for their items.

The notifications Inside NAMA Erp are not sent to Emails

Please, assure that the email of the company is defined in the (System settings: Global configurations – Page (Email And SMS))

The notifications are not sent from NAMA ERP to the Emails!

Please, go to the System setting: global configurations –  Email And SMS page

Make sure that the configurations of “Email Sender Settings” are correct.

How can I define a notification when adding or modifying a document?

You have to open the notification definition file.

choose the type of the document, and check the two boxes (use with insert, use with update)

enter in the “Notification Template”, and “Email Template” fields the following text

(“Required document” has been (updated/Inserted) Document Code {Code} )

Choose the targeted employees that will receive the Email

The translation does not work after defining it!

Go to the translation overrider file and reload the translation from the button of reloading, and then reload the file the contains the word to translated.